Deep Space Nine 6.02
  Deep Space Nine 6.02

Sons And Daughters and Behind The Lines.



Sci-Fi Video


Sons And Daughters

In the aftermath of the Cardassian occupation of Deep Space Nine, Worf resumes his position as first officer of General Martok's Bird Of Prey, Rotaran. An assignment of new recruits to the ship includes a young warrior who, weak and unskilled in the art of war, is brutally bullied by his companions. The young man is Worf's son, Alexander.

Behind The Lines

When DS9 occupying Cardassian force discovers a way to dismantle the minefield which is preventing thousands of Dominion ships from invading the Alpha Quadrant, Kira's resistence cell must act quickly. With Odo's loyalties in question, penetration of a heavily sheilded section of the station is entrusted to Ferengi barman Rom.

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